When do you meet?
We meet on Sundays at 10:30am and for prayer at 4.00pm currently. During the week we have various small groups meeting. Contact us for more information.
What happens when you meet?
We understand that it can be daunting to enter into a group of people you may not have ever met before. If you do decide to join us on a Sunday morning here's what to expect. As you enter the building, someone will be there to greet and welcome you to church and then you will be given a copy of our notice sheet. If you like, someone can sit with you during the service, please ask. The service starts with a few notices and then a Gathering activity. This is usually something like a prayer said at the front, responsive readings on the screen, or another reading of some description. Then we will sing a few worship songs together. This will be a mixture of old hymns and new songs. We usually take up an offering of money at the end of the singing. We pray for the children and they go out to their own learning time. After which we have our time of prayer for other people. Whoever is preaching will then speak for about half an hour and the service will close with a hymn and a blessing.
Should I bring some money for the offering?
If you are visiting, please do not feel obliged to contribute.
What happens after the service is finished?
After the service has finished most people head out to the school room for a cuppa and a biscuit. This is a relaxed and informal time where we can catch up with each other if we have not been in touch during the week. It is also a time to get to know anyone new who has decided to join us. If you do visit, please join us, we would love to get to know you.
Do you take communion?
We have communion on the first Sunday morning of every month. It is served to the congregation by two of our leaders. Everyone is welcome to join in. However, if you are uncomfortable with it or feel unable at the time, please let the bread and wine pass you by.
Is there anywhere to park?
As the church is situated on a main road, space is very limited for us. However, if you are coming on Sunday morning, parking is available in the main town car park (60p per visit at time of writing). This is accessible from Haynes Road by turning left onto High Street and then by turning left again. There is a short walkway that leads to West End from the bottom of the Car Park.
How accessible is the building?
We have a loop system for those with hearing aids. We have a ramp at the side for wheelchair access. There are no internal steps on the ground floor, meaning wheelchair users can access the majority of spaces easily. There is also an accessible toilet. The 'upper room' is not yet equipt with a lift (this is in our long term plans).
What about bringing my children to a service?
WE LOVE CHILDREN! The kids stay in for most of the first part of our service and then go out to their own learning time after we've sung. There is a small play area at the rear of the church which is kitted out with lots of fun things to play with! Please do not worry about them making noise. We have published a safeguarding policy which is available upon request.
Are you affiliated to any other organisations?
We are members of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and the Evangelical Alliance. Ian (Pastor) is a member of the New Wine movement and Fresh Streams network. We are registered with Freedom in Christ Ministries UK and hold regular Freedom in Christ courses.