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On Palm Sunday, we look at the power of testimony and examine three things to beware of as we testify.
Tags archives: Standalone Messages
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At our anniversary service, we invited the Rev. Rhona Floate (Priest-in-Charge of White Horse Benefice) to share with us. She speaks about the invitation of God to be part of God's life in the world.
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We celebrate Pentecost Sunday by considering God's divine power to make us more like Christ.
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A sermon about persevering by looking to Jesus.
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For our Church Anniversary, Rev'd Lynn Green, General Secretary of our Baptist Union, spoke to us about the past and the future from Elijah's experience.
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We examine what it means to live now in the light of nothing ever being the same again.
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For our Harvest celebrations we look at how Ruth was brought from the fringes of the community into its centre.
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We learn about trusting Jesus in difficult circumstances.
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In this message we learn from Abraham's mistakes.
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This message focusses on trusting God.
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Graham Warmington shares a message about continuing to grow in Jesus.
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Andrew North brings a message focussing on who we believe Jesus to be.